World Peace Prayers of Yoga in Daily Life community
Members of the Yoga in Daily Life International Fellowship and Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council followed the call of Vishwaguruji Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda to all Yoga in Daily Life Centers worldwide, to organize peace prayers in respect and condolence for the victims of the recent Kashmir bombing and to pray for peace all over the world.
Between 1 and 3 March 2019, groups of Yoga in Daily Life practitioners throughout Europe and around the world organized peace meditations and prayers, and gathered around the World Peace Trees that Vishwaguruji has planted in many public places over more than 15 years, to sing peace mantras and peace prayers.
AUSTRIA – Vienna
On 1 March 2019, the Vienna Yoga in Daily Life group held a special world peace prayer gathering at the Peace Tree in the Schweizer Garten park - which was the first peace tree planted by Vishwaguruji in Austria, 14 years ago. After singing Vedic mantras and prayers, the words of Vishwaguruji that he spoke on the UN Day of Peace in 2017 were quoted, being valid all over the world and for all time:
"All of us who stand here by this tree, stand up for peace.
This tree with its leaves and fruits is a symbol of unity.
He stands firmly in his place and defies all the rigors of nature,
like frost, cold, snow, heat and storm.
It is the same with us. We stay firm no matter what happens.
We stand for peace and harmony, understanding and forgiveness.
We wish that all living beings be healthy, happy and protected.
We pray to Bhagwan Sri Deep Mahaprabhuji, Sri Holy Guruji, Sri Devpuriji
and Sri Alakhpuriji to bless us and the world.
OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti - OM Peace, Peace, Peace. "

CROATIA – Zagreb, Rijeka, Duga Uvala, Labin, Vukovar, Karlovac, Varaždin, Split, Umag
Joining the Yoga in Daily Life centres worldwide, members and citizens of nine cities in Croatia gathered around Peace Trees planted in the last 15 years. Since 21 September 2001 in the beautiful historical coastal town of Umag, the light of Peace Prayers organized by Vishwaguruji and Yoga in Daily Life, started spreading all around the world.
In all Croatian cities, participants expressed their condolences with victims of violence and expressed hope in world peace as the only sustainable future for mankind.
In Zagreb, highest representatives of the Indian Embassy in Croatia, respected Mr G.N. Majhi, the First Secretary of the Embassy and Mrs Harsh Baweja, Attaché, participated in the event. Mr. Majhi addressed the attendees and said that the Indian Embassy appreciate that Yoga in Daily Life recognized the sad situation in Kashmir and with this event expressed condolences to the victims and their families with a clear wish for world peace. He further underlined that under the Yoga in Daily Life flag all of Croatia expressed its commitment to peace and non-violence, and hope that many such events will be organized in the cooperation with the Embassy and the Association.
The profound words that Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwaranandaji used to conclude his speech to the World Peace Day commemoration by the Zagreb World Peace Tree, during his seminar in Zagreb 2015, were also remembered on this occasion:
"There cannot be peace until man begins to see himself in every being on Earth."

CZECH REPUBLIC – Prague, Strilky, Olomouc, Ostrava, Poprad, Prachatice, Trnava
The Peace Prayers organized by the Yoga in Daily Life Society in Prague, took place on Sunday 3rd of March at the World Peace Tree in the Vysehrad Ggarden. The prayer was opened by the president of Prague Yoga in Daily Life Society, Ing. Roman Fuksa by addressing the participants with a few words on the importance of peace in the turbulent world we live in. He emphasized our condolences to the families of the killed soldiers in Kashmir and asked the participants to join him in chanting peace mantras, after which followed the evening arati (prayers).
There were more than 50 people around the World Peace Tree, planted by Vihwaguruji Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda in 2008. The tree itself is a genetic descendant of a memorable linden tree in the village of Semtin, in Bohemian Paradise.
GERMANY - Hamburg
Students, teachers and devotees of Yoga in Daily Life in gathered together in Hamburg Ashram to pray for peace around the world.

HUNGARY – Budapest, Békéscsaba, Szeged
The Yoga in Daily Life Society in Hungary and OM Vishwa Guru Deep Hindu Mandir organized a commemorative program and peace prayer on 2 March 2019 in Budapest, at the Sas-hegy National Park at the 11 Peace Trees planted by Vishwaguru Paramhans Swami MaheshwaranandaJi in 2013, for world peace.
The Embassy of India was represented at the Peace Program by Mr. T. P. S. Rawat Ji, Secretary and Mr. N. Venkataraman Ji, Secretary & HOC. Other prominent personalities present were Raman Sudaram Ji, President of Bharatiya Samaj Hungary, János Kremnicsán, Director of Sas-hegy National Park, Abhayanand Ji Ervin Nagy, President of the OM Vishwa Deep Hindu Mandir, and Krishnanand Ji Károly Kovács, Chair of Yoga in Daily Life in Hungary, and organizer and moderator of the commemorative program.
- Krishnanand Ji gave an introductory speech and read the message of Vishwaguruji;
- guests of honor and main organizers lit Peace Candles at the altar, while participants sang the Peace Mantra;
- commemorative speeches were given by the Secretary of the Indian Embassy, T. P. S. Rawat Ji, Raman Sudaram Ji, president of the Society of Indians Living in Hungary, János Kremnicsán, director of the Sas-hegy National Park Visitor Center, and Abhayanand Ji Ervin Nagy, President of OM Vishwa Deep Hindu Mandir;
- 70-80 peace-loving participants held a one-minute silent prayer, then sang the Peace Mantra as the closing ceremony of the program;
- Krishnanand Ji, as main organizer of the event, gave thanks for the remarkably beautiful commemorative speeches and also thanked everyone for their participation, on behalf of the Yoga in Daily Life Fellowship, the Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council, the Hungarian National YIDL Ashram, and the Hindu Mandir.

MEXICO – Mexico City
A Peace Prayer was held in Mexico City on Sunday, 3 March 2019 at the World Peace Tree in Mixcoac. A group of 12 people from Coyoacán, Tláhuac and Iztapalapa attended this event. With lighted peace candles, everyone expressed their own prayer for peace, and the ceremony ended with chanting the Peace Mantra together.

INDIA – Jadan AshramIn the OM Ashram Jadan, Rajasthan, on 14 February, the day of the bomb attack in Kashmir, a peace meditation was made with peace candles. Later, a peace prayer at the World Peace Tree planted by Vishwaguruji, was attended by the residents of the ashram.

SLOVAKIA - Bratislava, Košice, MartinSlovakian Yoga in Daily Life practitioners gathered around the World Peace Trees in the capital Bratislava and cities of Martin and Košice, to light candles, pray for peace and chant the Sanskrit Peace Mantras together.

SLOVENIA – Ljubljana, Kranj, Maribor, Domzale, Koper, Novo Mesto, Celje, Nova Gorica, Postojna, LogatecFrom Friday 1 March to Sunday 3 March, ten main Slovenian Yoga in Daily Life Centres performed Peace Prayers, five of them at the Peace Trees inaugurated by VishwaguruJi during his past visits to Slovenia. Almost 200 members gathered and expressed their positive thoughts to end recent world conflicts.

SPAIN and CUBA – Barcelona, Huesca, Gran Canaria and HolguinPractitioners and teachers of Yoga in Daily Life in Spain, Cuba and the Canary Islands gathered together in ashrams and around Peace Trees on the weekend of 2-3 March to pray for peace.

UNITED KINGDOM - Edinburgh, London
On Friday 1 March, students of Yoga in Daily Life in Scotland came together in Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram in Edinburgh and dedicated their evening meditation class to world peace with chanting of the traditional peace mantras and silent prayers for peace in the hearts and minds of everyone on Earth. This was followed by sharing a vegetarian meal together in the spirit of friendly positive relations between all.On Sunday afternoon 3 March, devotees of Yoga in Daily Life in London gathered at the World Peace Tree in Queens Park to chant peace mantras and share in prayers for peace around the world. This was followed in the evening by a Satsang dedicated to peace, in the Sri Swami Madhavanandaji Ashram.