Swamiji fills the Gallus Hall in Slovenia's capital Ljubljana
"Rare are the lecturers that can fill this hall", said the president of the Union of Slovenian YIDL Societies, Ervin Poredos, in his introduction, "and His Holiness Swamiji is one of them!".
The renowned Gallus Hall in Ljubljana, Slovenia, seating about 1400 visitors, was filled up to the last place. Swamiji began to sing OM and there was complete silence. Then Swamiji spoke, "When we speak about Divine Consciousness, we somehow dwell in it, it is a similar process as when a diver dives deep into the sea to get the pearls. In this way I will now dive into Divine Consciousness and bring you the Divine Knowledge".
The theme of the lecture was "Kundalini and Svadhisthan Chakra" and Swamiji began with explaining Creation itself, the expansion of consciousness and the manifestation of the material universe. That same Divine Consciousness that was once one, is now multiplied into countless units – a multitude of living beings. These may differ in their appearance and abilities, yet all contain the same reflection of the Divine. From all of creation, humans are the most developed, possessing a mighty intellect and the potential to merge our individual consciousness again into the Divine. Stages through which an individual consciousness must pass in its ascent are called Chakras. Each of these energy centres has its own set of qualities and feelings, some positive and some negative. To overcome the negative and to awaken the positive qualities is what we term as the process of spiritual development.
Svadhisthan chakra is the second stage – this centre resides a few centimetres above the bottom end of the spine. Our karmas are stored in the first chakra, the Muladhar, and in Svadhisthan chakra they are activated, giving us a chance to purify them. This also represents the subconscious level, recording each and every impression, coming from either outside or inside, taken consciously or unconsciously. Here the six obstacles await us: anger; hate; greed; jealousy; cruelty; and laziness. When laziness appears, we cease to be active. If we do awaken, many desires come into being and greed appears. When our possessions are threatened, we become angry and cruel or we develop jealousy. These negative qualities can only be mastered through utilising their opposite qualities: positive intellect; love; understanding; humility; and wisdom. When mastered and controlled, Svadisthan chakra will blossom into purity, activity, joy, hope and self-confidence.
"But, tonnes of theory are nothing, compared to a gram of practice. Theory can inspire us, but only practice will liberate us. You yourself are your liberator. You yourself can make your life happy or miserable. So practise!" Swamiji encouraged at the end.
During the international Yoga Seminar in Kranj, Slovenia, that preceded and followed the public lecture on the same weekend, Swamiji gave even deeper insight into the Svadhisthan chakra, along with specific yogic techniques for its purification and development.
The Public Lecture was also organised as a humanitarian action – the total income was donated to the Manaklao Hospital for children with cerebral palsy in Rajasthan, Northern India.
During his stay in Slovenia, Swamiji also had several formal and informal meetings with representatives of local authorities. He was received by the Slovenian President, Dr. Janez Drnovsek, with whom he already shares a long-term friendship. Swamiji was also invited to Ljubljana's Town Hall and received by the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Pavlica, who said that he already practised yoga in his youth. According to Mr. Pavlica, Swamiji "brought a lot of positive energy and peace to the Town Hall." His Holiness Swamiji also met the Slovenian Muslim leader Mufti Osman Djogic, with whom he has previously united on several occasions at Peace Conferences and gatherings for multi-religious prayers for peace.
Public lecture in Ljubljana
YIDL seminar in Kranj
Meeting with Mufti
At Ljubljana's Town Hall