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Maha Shivaratri around the world


On Monday 7 March 2016, in Yoga in Daily Life ashrams around the world, Maha Shivaratri was celebrated with devotees gathering together for satsangs and pujas. In the Mahaprabhu Deep Ashram in Strilky, Czech Republic, Vishwaguruji Maheshwaranandaji dedicated the whole weekend to Lord Shiva.

In the Maha Shivaratri Satsang in the beautiful Great Hall of the historical Lucerna Palace in Prague, Vishaguruji explained once again the significance of Swayambhu Shiva, "Regardless by which name He is revered in different religions, He is the Supreme, the highest principle; the unborn, omnipresent and eternal Cosmic Consciousness, and the Light of Life that resides in every living being. The Shiva Lingam is the symbol of the divine and universal consciousness and by making puja (ceremony) to the Shiva Lingam, we give our reverence to the whole universe and its Creator."

At the same time, satsangs and pujas were celebrated in Yoga in Daily Life ashrams throughout the world. The photos below are from Shivaratri satsangs in Jadan Ashram in India, as well as some main ashrams in Europe, and several other countries.



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Ashram Cherkasy Ukraine 1 600 Ashram Cherkasy Ukraine 600

Auckland 1 600 Auckland 3 600 Auckland 2 600

Bratislava 1 600 Bratislava 2 600

Brisbane ashram 1 600 Brisbane ashram 2 600 Brisbane ashram 3 600

Celje ashram SI 600 Indian friendship society Prague 1 600 Indian friendship society Prague 2 600

Jadan ashram 1 600 Jadan ashram 2 600 Jadan ashram 4 600

Linz 1 600Linz 2b 600

Ljubljana 1 600 Ljubljana 3 600 

London ashram 2 600 Mahashivaratri Barcelona 7 600 Mahashivaratri Barcelona 11 600

Mahashivaratri Barcelona 2 600 Mahashivaratri Barcelona 4 600 

Maribor Shivaratri 1 600 Maribor Shivaratri 2 600 Martin 1 600 Martin 2 600

Mexico City 1 600 Mexico City 2 600

New York 600 Novo Mesto SI 600 Prague Lucerna 1a 600

Prague Lucerna 1e 600 Prague Lucerna 2 600 Prague Lucerna 8 600

Shivaratri-Budapest-HU  201603074253 600 Shivaratri-Budapest-HU  201603074206 600 Shivaratri-Budapest-HU  201603074239 600 Shivaratri 2016 ERD hu 2 600 Shivaratri 2016 ERD hu 3b 600

South Africa 600 St.Poelten AT 600 Villach AT 1 600

Strilky ashram 1 600 Strilky ashram 2 600 Strilky ashram 3 600

Vienna ashram 1 600 Vienna ashram 2 600 Vienna ashram 3 600

Zagreb ashram 1b 600 Zagreb ashram 2b 600 Zagreb ashram 3 600 Zagreb ashram 4 600